
This document walks you through the steps to create a user account to link it to UPS® Customer Solutions applications and activate the account. To avoid disruption, do not use the existing username and password used for your current process. You will not need to share your password with anyone including UPS personnel; however, your account representative will need your username if helping to link shipper accounts.

Create User Account on

  1. Go to and click Log In. The Log In page appears.
UPS Home Page

Sign Up for an Account

You will be directed to the Sign Up page. Do not use an existing account or a social media account. Do not share this password with anyone at UPS. You may need to share the username if you need help with attaching shipper accounts to this user.

  1. On the Log In page, click Sign Up
UPS Home Page

Fill In Data

  1. Enter the following information on the Sign Up page
First and Last Name No email address, no special characters, and no URLs
Email address Use a business email address, it is recommended to use a team mailbox
Country Code
Phone Number The phone number point of contact should UPS need to reach you regarding this account
Username Must be 1 to 16 characters long, no spaces, no email address, no special characters, and no URLs
Password Must be 12-26 characters long, must have at least one special character, one number, one upper case, and one lower case letter
UPS Technology Agreement Must read and click agree
Click Sign Up to create your profile.
UPS Home Page

Verify Your Email

  1. The Verify Your Email page appears. Check the inbox of the email address used to sign up.
  2. Locate the verification email, copy the verification code received, and paste it into the field. Click, Verify My Email and the new user account is confirmed.
Verify Email


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